Open Door Church is a member of the Brethren in Christ family. A full statement of faith can be found here, but below is our basic tenets as shared by the BIC US.

What We Believe

Jesus Christ is the foundation of our values and beliefs.

A diverse family, we believe it’s important to wrestle with the Bible together. Like all families, we interpret the world through a particular lens. For us, that lens is the person, teaching, and work of Jesus Christ.

Centered on Christ’s example and grounded in our history, our values and beliefs prompt us to extend the Kingdom of God in our communities and world.


Our Value Statements

We Welcome Differences

Jesus teaches us that with God there is no prejudice. God loves all and wants all to be saved. God sends rain and sunshine on the just and unjust, we are called to love all, even our enemies, as best we can. We may find a person different than us in physical appearance, education, language, nationality, social status, ethnicity. It is good to welcome such differences as God does, that we might better learn God’s grace. (Matthew 5, Acts 10, Galatians 3, Luke 6)

We Stick With Each Other

A phrase used to describe God throughout the Bible is “His love endures forever”. This means that God did not quit on humanity even when human beings hurt God, violated God’s will, rebelled, rejected God’s messengers and even rejected and killed God’s Son. This is called covenant love, a binding of one’s self to another regardless of how that person treats you. We believe nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, His love endures. God sticks with us and as his people, we are called to stick with each other with the help of the Holy Spirit that binds us. (Psalm 136, Romans 8, Matthew 28) 

It’s Bigger Than Us

Jesus prayed that God’s kingdom would come and God’s will be done on earth as in heaven. Our role in the body of Christ is to join the work of God’s kingdom, not just grow our church. Following Christ is joining the larger work of God in the world through God’s people. We do not compete with other churches or entities that are doing good and loving well. As a church, we are a people sent by God, following the example of Christ, to love well and serve our community. (Mark 9, Matthew 6, John 17, Luke 12) 

We’re Broken But Becoming Whole

Sin is a real thing. We can all relate to what Paul the apostle says, “I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.” All have sinned. We are broken by sin, not yet the person we wish we were. The good news is Jesus did not come to call perfect people, but sinners. So, the first step to becoming whole is knowing we’re broken. It’s not hopeless. As we repent and believe, the Spirit grows us in love little by little, until we become wholly loving like Jesus one day. (Romans 3&7, 1 John 1-4, Luke 5) 

The Bible is True and Jesus is the Way

We believe God speaks to us through the Bible, as well as many other ways. The Bible offers God’s story and explains how we can follow Jesus as we strive to love God and love people. We believe Jesus is the way to God and the way forward for all humanity. (John 14, 1 John 4, Romans 8&12, 2 Timothy 3, 1 Timothy 4, John 5, 1 Corinthians 14) 



Brethren in Christ US Annual Report

“Reports are also like photographs in that not everything

can be included in the frame. Like a photographer, we had to decide where to focus the attention of our report. Here, we share how our collective work across the country and around the world encourages and supports the primary focus of the Church’s ministry: helping people to know, love, and follow Jesus.”

Alan Robinson, National Director, BIC US

Read Full Report here.

Core Values

Shaping our identity and moving us to action, our ten Core Values reflect Christ’s call in our lives. Learn more

Articles of Faith and Doctrine

Summarizing our theological beliefs, the Articles of Faith and Doctrine share our biblical understanding of God and his work in the world. Learn more


Influenced by our theological traditions, the BIC U.S. position documents express our views on select theological topics. Learn more


And A Little Bit more

As a group of believers who desire to engage with our culture in ways that bring about grace, justice, and mercy through humility and purpose, we are intentional in our approach to things like finances, politics and social justice.

To learn a little bit more about us, feel free to explore our shared expressions of engagement below: