Q2 2024


raise & Prayer


PRAISE: We have received a matching grant from the BIC Foundation up to $2,000 to help make our Community Center more accessible for the community and available for new programming.

PRAISE:  The work being done by our Justice Team and especially Pastor Adam with B.U.I.L.D

Pray for our staff and leadership as we continue our integration of Open Door and Plowshares communities.

Pray for our brother Vitalik (Pictured above) who has returned to his family in his home country with the hope and prayer that he can join us again soon through the work of BIC World Missions and local church ministry.

Pray for our youth specifically for the stress they feel acutely as related to their schoolwork. This is a prayer need that comes up at every youth Home Church. Finals are looming. We also have a few seniors who will be graduating and moving on to college next fall.

Pray for our Home Churches as we grow and transition. Praising the Lord for new individuals and families who are worshiping with us!

Pray for another grant we are submitting to help with a Transportation Team to help bring people to church that otherwise would not be able to attend. This is part of our hope and vision for this year to create spaces of more accessibility.

Pray for a number of families facing some serious health concerns; pray for wisdom and discernment for doctor’s and treatment and for healing and recovery.